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"With VA Staffer, you’re assigned a dedicated VA based on your job requirements, but have access to the rest of the team for specialized skills as the need arises."

Nick Loper, VirtualAssistantReviews.com

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WARNING : The number of clients we can accept is limited. Fill out the registration quickly as this is on a first-come-first serve basis.
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"With VA Staffer, you’re assigned a dedicated VA based on your job requirements, but have access to the rest of the team for specialized skills as the need arises."

Nick Loper, Virtual Assistant

Leverage the secret weapon of highly productive people.

Book a strategy call to :

  • Assess your time consuming tasks and come up with a plan to take them off your plate.
  • Understand your needs, and business direction.
  • Come up with a strategy to keep your time focused on revenue generating activities.
  • Determine if a our virtual assistants are a good fit for you!
  • Listen, Listen, Listen - because we ACTUALLY care about our clients.

"After moving from Los Angeles to Houston and losing my personal assistant, I found myself back into the bad habit of trying to do everything myself. Just when I was about to fall apart, I found VA Staffer. I use them for everything from event posting to uploading press releases, research and anything that involves Excel. I just couldn’t do without this great and helpful staff. So I won’t."

Crystal Wright - Author, Educator, Speaker & Stylist to the Stars

Our virtual team

Take Back Your Time.

Our team can save you a ton of time and energy that is better spent elsewhere.  You know that already, that's why you're here.
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